Sharing some resources (well, just three at the moment) on learning LibreOffice:
First is the amazing magazine 'Full Circle'. This is a monthly magazine on Ubuntu but covers a lot of technologies/applications like Python, LibreOffice, Gimp, Inkscape and more.
You can view/download this magazine directly from their homepage:
They also offer special editions that has a compilation of the articles on a specific topic that are published in the monthly magazines. The most comprehensive special edition is the LibreOffice Golden Jubilee Edition. This edition has 50 articles on LibreOffice and these articles cover most of the daily use cases of LibreOffice as well as more detailed information for the advanced users.
You can download this LibreOffice Golden Jubilee Edition at:
Second is the open content book: Designing With LibreOffice by Bruce Byfield. This book has its own website:
You can freely download this book in PDF form as well as individual ODT chapters. To show your support for this amazing work, please also buy the printed copy or give a Thank You Tip to the author -
Third is the amazing video tutorials on website -
You can also donate to the author of
So, these are the three best resource for learning LibreOffice that I could find. If you have more such resources, please do share.