Monday, November 18, 2019

Rising Sea Level - Solution is Desalination

There has been a spike in news articles on rising sea levels, its impact, solutions, and inevitability.
Well I cannot speak about inevitability because I am no Oracle or Seer; neither do I know the vast grand plan.

I can only give my limited solution, that too, if rising sea level is looked at as a problem and not a tool for new economy. Well, my solution may be seen as some sort of economy generator, lets see.

What I propose is to drastically expand desalination activity across all coast lines and to use the filtered water for agriculture and general use. The usage should be in the coastal areas that are at least 300 to 500 kilometers far away from the coast line.

This will reduce seal level and enrich the land's depleting ground water. This will also reduce the stress on rain water and help farmers invest in heavy water using crops that usually get more price than other crops.